New Globalization Dynamics

By Charis Vlados (Editor)

Democritus University of Thrace, Greece


We are experiencing a phase of profound restructuring of globalization nowadays, manifested through a wide variety of crisis symptoms, articulated at the same time upon the economic, political, social, and environmental spheres. Everything shows that the movements of the world’s “tectonic plates” are re-shaping the existing geo-economic and geopolitical balances on the planet drastically, causing new challenges to emerge, as well as new opportunities and threats for all stakeholders and participants in the global socioeconomic system.
Therefore, the current global crisis and restructuring are taking shape within a precarious state of affairs. In virtually every corner of the globe and an expanding number of cases and situations—both directly and visibly, both indirectly and subversively—old problems seem to return and become more challenging than yesterday. At the same time, new socioeconomic issues emerge and spread rapidly, without making it possible to find and implement effective, sustainable, and generalized long-term solutions on a global scale.
The current global crisis seems to be, at the same time, the period of the definitive overthrow of many yesterday’s “certainties” but also of the profound reorientation of the global system as a whole. It is, after all, the period of the “death agony” of the “old balance” of the previous phase of globalization and, at the same time, the phase of escalating efforts for a “new world architecture” to be born, stabilized, and imposed. We are, therefore, in the search for “new globalization.” Because we can eventually overcome the current phase of global crisis only when the “new” is sustainably installed, consolidate and prevail by opening up a new era of overall balance, sufficient stability, and reasonable certainty on a global scale.
This volume—which is a collection of published articles by the “Stra.Tech.Man Lab” research team—studies some of the fundamental aspects that concern the structuring/restructuring of the current phase of globalization: in what we call “new globalization.” The following chapters search to define and interpret some critical characteristics that help to understand how the structures of “new globalization” are emerging and taking place in our days, to explore some of their critical evolutionary milestones, and to clarify how to approach them analytically in the current phase of crisis and restructuring.




Chapter I

International restructuring dynamics of competitive advantages


The international environment approaching the 2000s

National, international, and local components of restructuring of competitive advantages during the new phase of globalization

Approaching a new conception of complementarity and cooperation



Chapter II

The “evil globalization” and the central dialectic tug-of-war in the shaping of “new globalization”


Introduction and conceptual prerequisites

The supposedly adverse effects of globalization and the fundamental tug of war between the forces of new globalization

Concluding remarks: The search for “new globalization”



Chapter III

The possible paths of “new globalization”


Introduction and methodological orientation

The past growth of globalization and the crisis outbreak

Where are we heading?

Concluding comments: The prospects and challenges of “new globalization”



Chapter IV

Perceiving competitiveness under the restructuring process of globalization


Introduction and conceptual framework: The current restructuring of globalization

Globalization as an evolutionary economic process and the living capitalist firm

A “new globalization” is drastically transforming the environment for the contemporary capitalist firm

The firm at the analytical center of evolutionarily understanding globalization

Concluding remarks: The need for a new organic-strategic understanding of competitiveness in the phase of globalization



Chapter V

Dialectical prerequisites on geopolitics and geo-economics in the era of global restructuring


Introduction the problem: Geopolitics and geoeconomics in the current restructuring phase of globalization

Contemporary geopolitics and geoeconomics

The issue of effective geostrategic articulation and dialectics

Some essential methodological prerequisites for a dialectic apprehension of contemporary geopolitics, geoeconomics, and geostrategy

Conclusions and proposals


About Author(s)

Dr. Charis Vlados holds a Ph.D. degree with a “Very Honorable Distinction” for his thesis on the types/forms of evolutionary integration of the enterprises operating in Greece into globalization that took place within the framework of the Research and Studies Center on Multinational Enterprises (C.E.R.E.M) of the “Paris X-Nanterre” University. The author’s primary focus is on the fields of corporate strategy, competitiveness, entrepreneurship, economic policy, and globalization, while he has established and developed the “Stra.Tech.Man approach” in the field of business dynamics. Charis Vlados has been workingwith various research institutes and as a business consultant, both in Greece and abroad, for approximately twenty years. He is now a lecturer (academic tenure) with the Department of Economics of the Democritus University of Thrace, while has also taught in the past at the Universities of the Aegean and Peloponnese, and at various Public and Private Centres of Studies. Charis Vlados has authored until now seven scientific textbooks and monographs (in Greek) and more than 50 scientific publications.



Date of Publication

December 15, 2019

File Size: 5840 KB
Length: xv + 186 pages

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