Teaching and Evaluation Patterns of a Business BA Program

Teaching Mix and Student Performance

By Ana Paula Martins

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal.


Evaluation of BA programs is periodically conducted in the Portuguese public education system, involving inspection of indicators of teaching patterns and student achievement. In its course, primary information is gathered which provides a natural database for a more complex multivariate study of the teaching process. It was the purpose of this research to depart from information collected for the 2000/2001 Self-Evaluation report of the Business BA program of the Faculdade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais of Universidade Católica Portuguesa and search for identifying patterns of the teaching-mix, and along with it, of student achievement.

On the one hand, principal component decomposition provided a general view of the programme main features; discriminant analysis confirmed both scientific area and credit score category as providing significant affiliation identity to the programme courses.

On the other, student performance was found significantly related to daily scheduling, teachers profiles and evaluation practices – even if some of the encountered effects may be thought endogenous, but impossible to be controlled for due to the lack of information on student effort.




Chapter 1
Data formatting and programme characteristics


Chapter 2
Information content of variables and observations: Bundles and clusters
Operating characteristics
Programme status
Teachers’ profiles
Teaching mode
Overall sorting


Chapter 3
Exam attendance and success rates


Chapter 4
Average passing grades and overall student performance


Chapter 5
Summary and conclusions



About Author

Dr. Ana Paula Martins studied Economics in Lisbon at Catholic University of Portugal (BA 1982) and concluded a Ph.D. in New York at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Columbia University (1987). She has taught at both schools and at New University of Lisbon graduate and undergraduate courses. Currently, she is Assistant Professor at the Catholic University of Portugal, where she has been teaching Labor Economics and Econometrics. She has published theoretical and applied research articles in Labor Economics and Quantitative Methods in refereed academic journals, and also been presenter and participant in numerous international scientific Conferences on various fields. She was a member of the Catholic University Library Council representing the Economics field.



Date of Publication

December 1, 2021

File Size: 12234 KB
Length: xii + 222 pages

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